You have probably heard the phrase “Be grateful for the roof over your head” at least once in your life and with good reason. Your roof is all that stands between you and the elements. Roofs protect your home and your family. Unfortunately, many of us fail to notice when our roof needs a little TLC. Calling a roofing contractor for assistance might be one of the smartest decisions a homeowner can make.
Here are 7 signs that it is time to call a professional roofer:
Sagging Roof
One of the easiest things to look out for is a sagging roof. If your roof sags in the middle or at any point, something is structurally wrong. There are several reasons for a sagging roof. Almost all are structural. Inadequate support or a damaged beam causes this swaybacked effect. A particularly harsh winter with a heavy snow load can also push older roofs over the edge.
Take a pencil or other straight object and hold it at eye level from the curb. If your roof has an obvious sag, this easy trick reveals it. This problem requires professional assistance to fix and is best left to experts.
Sagging Roof
Asphalt shingles break down over time. Some of the small granules that make up the shingles disintegrate as part of this process. Accumulated granules in your gutters or at the bottom of your downspouts are a warning sign dangerous to ignore. As shingles deteriorate, their effectiveness deteriorates too. Don’t wait until it’s too late!
Loose Nails
Loose, missing, or exposed nails can’t offer adequate support for your shingles. This increases the chances of your shingles getting damaged during storms. Loose or missing nails indicate another costly problem as well. Missing nails leave a hole behind them, providing a pathway for water to penetrate your roof and attic. Water damage leads to mold and structural damage to your roof and home.
Changes in Your Heating/Cooling Bill
Many factors contribute to your home’s heating and cooling bill. Poor insulation, damaged siding, the cost of fuel and compromised roofs are among them. If you notice a change in your home’s HVAC bill that cannot be explained by insulation, siding, or fuel, call a local roofer to take a look at your roof. We all know that heat rises. In the winter, this means that a damaged roof releases that hot air. A poorly ventilated roof, conversely, traps that hot air in the summer, increasing your air-conditioning costs.
Water Damage
Water from your leaking roof leaves tell-tale signs in your attic and ceilings. Take a trip to your attic occasionally, especially before winter and during the spring, and examine the rafters. Water stains are a clear indicator of a leaking roof.
Try to take a peek on a sunny day. If you can see daylight at any point, call a roofer. Even a small hole in your roof is bad news for your home.
Damaged, Loose, or Missing Shingles
Asphalt shingles typically last between 15 and 25 years. Some last longer and some shorter, depending on weather and installment. A poorly installed roof does not last as long as an expertly installed roof, and areas with harsh summers or winters put more stress on roofs.
Curling, peeling shingles require replacing, as do loose or missing shingles. Your shingles are how your roof sheds water and stays insulated. When this barrier gets breached, you need professional help that only an experienced roofing contractor can provide.
Paint Stains, Blistering, And Mildew
Sometimes you don’t even have to look up at your roof to check for problems. Take a walk around your home’s perimeter, keeping an eye on the walls. If your paint is blistering or peeling in a concentrated area, chances are your roof is not ventilating properly. Accumulated moisture trapped in attic spaces causes this. If your house has vinyl siding, look out for signs of mildew. Mildew also develops on the inside of your home where the ceiling meets the wall. If you notice any of these signs, call a roofing contractor to assess your home’s needs.